Meet the Producer

Soumah of the Yarra Valley is a producer of fine wines from the region. A hidden gem located down a country lane, in the dress circle of the cool Warramate foothills of Gruyere. Soumah set out to make wine with the charm of northern Italy but the provenance of the Yarra Valley. Situated an average of 120 metres above sea level, the vineyard is elevated above the valley floor. The ancient sandy-clay loams with broken sandstone shape the small yield and define the detail in these precise, focussed expressions of Chardonnay and Pinot Noir.

A Note on Sustainability

Soumah has a ‘supervised control’ philosophy in relation to viticulture practices. The basis for this philosophy is to reduce the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides as these will eventually degrade the soil and make a weaker vine. They endeavour to use natural elemental sprays of sulphur and copper to fight mildew and reduce synthetic sprays where possible. Mulching is also being introduced on a progressive basis across the entire vineyard, having the combined benefit of reducing evaporation in the summer and promoting a softer and more sustainable soil profile.

Further programmes employed include; Permanent vine row cover crop and side throw slashing, placing grass cuttings under vine to boost soil organic levels and improve soil moisture retention. Tilling a section of the vineyard every winter to reduce soil compaction and promote soil health. Mowing every second row only to promote insect populations. Organic fertilizer is specifically made and blended for the property from hybrid seaweed & mushroom compost.

Water management strategies are very important and water monitoring is vital. Drainage system captures water on the property and diverted to their Dam so there is no need for regular river pumping. They have an automatic watering system which allows them to water during the night-time, using off peak electricity & also achieving more effective take up by the plant. Drought resistant rootstock has been selected alongside a diligent program for monitoring pests and diseases. Sheep graze the vineyards in winter providing natural mowing while adding their own fertilizer and building up organic matter. The trees on the fence lines are chipped on site and this mulch is used in the cellar door gardens. All glass and cardboard from cellar-door goes into a local recycling program and the coffee grounds are recycled into the gardens. Wood for the cellar door fire is sourced on-site from fallen trees.

Wines by Producer